Architects'Alliance is a lobbying and information group. Membership applications are invited from suitably established, non-registered architects.

10 years working as an architect (self-employed or salaried) is the first requirement for full membership. There is a supporters' class for those with less than the required ten years work as an architect. Supporters include students, retired architects and lay people.

Architects' Alliance is a non-profit organisation. Organisers are unpaid volunteers. Financial contributions from members are collected solely to cover identified association expenditure. All members contribute equally.

Members must allow their contact details to be shared with fellow members and supporters as well as with third parties. Members shall at all times act with integrity and honourably in their professional responsibilities. A Member must not, directly or indirectly, injure the professional reputation of another, and not knowingly misrepresent Architects' Alliance.

To shape the future of our association, members are expected to attend Architects' Alliance meetings and to participate in the organization and its work. Some members have suggested that Architect's Alliance should develop into a professional representative body. That prospect depends upon the outcome of our present campaigns.


Send an email to our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in learning more about membership of Architects' Alliance or access our contact page for more contact details